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The Great Departure

Writer's picture: Jeremy WalkerJeremy Walker

I was riding in a vehicle with a couple of older men not too long ago and the discussion of the state of the world came up between the two. They had much to say and as I listened intently I found that many of their observations were actually things mentioned through prophecy in the Bible. When there was an appropriate break in their conversation I began to share with them what I’ve learned from God's Word about the END TIMES and how many events happening today seem to confirm the validity of prophetic Scripture.

As I shared my thoughts, both men (who are also professing Christians) obliged my candor, but I could see from the profile of their faces (as I was in the back seat of the vehicle) the all too familiar glaze of disinterest forming quickly. As I finished up the man driving cleared his throat and popped his neck left and right. “I hear what you’re saying, Jeremy” he said, looking at me with in the rear-view mirror. “I always keep in mind that my father believed in his youth that the end times were HIS TIME; and my grandfather thought the same thing before that! The Bible is clear, none of us know when the end will come. Only God Himself knows.”

At the end of his words was a tone of finality that I recognized all too well from many in the church today. In that tone lives the reality of a great departure for Christians. A departure from the prophecy of Scripture, but more important a departure from truth. It may or may not surprise those of you reading this right now; that Jesus speaks of this departure and to the state of the church before He Raptures His believers and the great tribulation begins.

In the book of Revelation Jesus profiles seven churches that give us a picture of the church throughout history. Each of the seven churches represents a different era in church history, and Laodicea, the final church in the series, tells us what the church was like in its time and how that same spirit will engulf the church just before the Rapture occurs in the future.

Jesus says, “I know your works. You are neither cold with apathy nor hot with passion. It would be better if you were one or the other, but you are neither. So because you are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. You claim, ‘I am rich, I have accumulated riches, and I need nothing’; but you do not realize that you are miserable, pathetic, poor, blind, and naked. So here is what I suggest you do: buy true gold from Me (gold refined by fire so that you can be truly rich), white garments (to cover you so that you can keep the shame of your nakedness from showing), and eye ointment (to treat your eyes so that you may see clearly)." ---Revelation 3:15-18

Tim LaHaye had this to say about the church of Laodicea in his book, ARE WE LIVING IN THE END TIMES?: “If you study the church of Laodicea you’ll find that it rooted itself in Greek culture, learning, and industry. It was a thriving center of commerce. Among its city’s ruins were discovered three church buildings that established its great wealth at the time. While other churches during that time (Ephesus for example) were well known for their evangelistic outreaches, Laodicea left no record of any gospel preaching in its area. In fact, of the seven churches Jesus spoke to in the book of Revelation, Laodicea is the only church that the Lord had nothing good to say.” (pg.73)

Go back and read Revelation 3:15-18 again.

This church of the last days that Jesus speaks of is neither cold with apathy nor hot with passion. Instead it is INDIFFERENT. While it may claim to represent Jesus Christ, it focuses so intently on riches that it feels itself to be independent and in need of no one, all the while not recognizing its sad and miserable state.

Does this not look and feel like the state of the church today? Believers so INDIFFERENT about the Gospel that evangelism is being replaced by wealth, politics, and the emotional whims of a lost world?

The Apostle Paul gives prophecy in Scripture concerning what I believe we’re seeing right now amongst Christians in OUR world:

“… a time will come when some will no longer tolerate sound teaching. Instead, they will live by their own desires; they’ll scratch their itching ears by surrounding themselves with teachers who approve of their lifestyles and tell them what they want to hear. They will turn away from the real truth you have to offer because they prefer the sound of fables and myths.” ---2 Timothy 4:3-5

You see, I’m not surprised by the reaction of the men I spoke to in that vehicle because Christians in our country today have all but thrown out the reality of Jesus’s Second coming, so much to the point that I begin to look and sound somewhat crazy to their eyes and ears when I even speak of prophecy. It’s time to face facts that the church today is not concerned with the rapture or the tribulation, or even the second coming of Christ, and that is truly heartbreaking.

Some have the mindset that since the end hasn’t already happened, there’s no reason to expect it will in our time. Others are being seduced by false doctrine and teachings being presented by false teachers and appeal to man’s sinful desires. And many, simply, have given up on studying and preaching about the end times because they find it too difficult to grasp for themselves…but here’s the truth. It’s not understanding Biblical prophecy that’s difficult…it’s believing it. If we’re being honest, that’s why a lot of us don’t give it a second thought; and you have to wonder why?

Believers can be confident that Jesus will return physically to this earth to set up His kingdom, because He promised he would 5 times MORE frequently than He promised to come the first time! Since His first coming is a fact of history, we can be at least 5 times as certain that He will come the second time.

Brothers and sisters, this GREAT DEPARTURE of the church, from faith in God's truth…His real truth, is prophesied in Scripture to happen during the end times; before the Rapture. So many promises in the Bible speak to us living in that time now, and our mission as Christians is to do our best to make sure as few people as possible are left behind.

I challenge you to listen to what Jesus says in Revelation 3, and seek Him, so that you can clearly see the signs of the times around you.


A couple of days ago I was walking up the sidewalk to the backdoor of my office building. I noticed a homeless woman sitting on the curb of the soup kitchen across the street. A beat-up grey truck stopped in the middle of the street with at least 4 young men in the vehicle. The driver leaned out of the window and spoke just loud enough to get the woman's attention.

"Hey mam!" she looked up quickly at the driver and grabbed at a blanket she had nestled to her chest. "I just wanted to tell you that Jesus loves you...and that you matter. You really do, okay?"

The woman was too far away from me to see the look on her face, but as she nodded toward the young man in the truck; I saw a smile crack her lips and a weight began pressing itself against my chest that I'm not sure I've ever felt before.

What that young man did was a beautiful reminder to me of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) all Christians are called to by God. Jesus charged the church in Ephesus in Revelation chapter 2 with, "forgetting their first love..."(That being God Himself) and I'm just as guilty.

I pray that when anyone reads my blogs concerning the end times, that you will understand that God loves you so much, that He paid the ultimate price (John 3:16); so you'll never have to experience those coming days.

For some reason, I know that God is directing me to present the truth of the end help a lost world see the signs of the times that are so plainly here...right now...but also so hard to see within the chaos around us everyday. But I don't ever want the topic at hand to overshadow the love that God has for every soul on this earth.

Jesus loves you. You matter.

This is the heart of my message. I pray it's a sweet sweet sound in your ears.

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I am a follower of Jesus. I am a husband who is deeply in love with his wife and a father who adores his children. I love writing and observing the world...this blog is a place where I'll share my perspective of what I see around me...and in my own life.




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