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State of Believers/People During End Times

Writer's picture: Jeremy WalkerJeremy Walker

This is an image I copied from a video that’s gone viral on the internet. It’s not the first of its kind and it certainly won’t be the last. The exercise of churches bringing drag queens into their services in order to demonstrate to their congregations how to be “Inclusive” or promote a “Pride Initiative”, is a practice I became aware of earlier this year.

In the video, this individual can be seen moving up and down the center isle of the church, dancing, performing, and lip-singing to “I Believe I Can Fly.” His dress is spun in such a way during his movements that it rises high enough above the waist to see undergarments. The pews are filled with people (Adults, Teenagers, and children) clapping and celebrating as the performance moves to the main stage where more unsuitable actions are committed…certainly not appropriate in the House of God.

I posted this image because there’s a lot of you out there that have no idea that this kind of thing is happening within the walls of churches. Of course, you’ve probably heard of “drag queen story hour” in public schools and “drag queen family hour” in bars and strip clubs…both productions doing their best to educate, indoctrinate, and normalize this lifestyle to people of all ages. But the fact that it’s going on in churches is something I’m sure will be new information for a lot of you.

I added the END TIMES data on this image because it’s important to know that things like this were prophesied in the Bible to happen in the END DAYS and it’s only going to get worse, and these practices are not going to stop.

Church is supposed to be a place to worship God…not man. So how is this happening?

Because in the LAST DAYS, BELIEVERS are going to turn on God and sound Biblical teaching (2 Timothy 4:3-4). Many BELIEVERS are going to turn from REAL TRUTH and accept the deceptions the world is promoting.

It’s no longer a matter of WHEN it will happen, because it’s happening RIGHT NOW.

We are living out Biblical Prophecy RIGHT NOW and we are truly living in the LAST DAYS.

Brothers and Sisters don’t be afraid to speak REAL TRUTH. Biblical Truth.

We don’t have time to waste any more. The lost need to hear of God’s Salvation for them! The glorious return of Jesus Christ is coming.

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I am a follower of Jesus. I am a husband who is deeply in love with his wife and a father who adores his children. I love writing and observing the world...this blog is a place where I'll share my perspective of what I see around me...and in my own life.




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