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Silent Presence

Writer's picture: Courtney WalkerCourtney Walker

I love reading the book of Job. Sometimes it reminds me to be steadfast through trials & tribulation. Sometimes it reminds me to have faith when I feel like I'm failing. It teaches the lesson that not all of God's gifts are wrapped in pretty bows. Sometimes it's really ugly... and we have to power through and appreciate the blessing as it comes--not as we wish to see it.

Today, it reminded me that one of the most valuable traits of true friendship is silent presence. We don't have to overshare or argue. We don't have to offer wisdom in every moment of despair. Sometimes we spend so much of our energy trying to find the words to say that we unknowingly begin to suck the energy out of the friend that needs to be filled. Often... and I would venture to say more often than not... we just need to BE THERE... quietly showing support & reminding each other that we're not alone.

How many times have you not reached out to someone in need simply because you couldn't find the words to say? The next time that happens, remind yourself that maybe God didn't give you the words, because that's not what they needed.

How many times has someone close to you felt alienated or singled out when they really needed to feel loved? Our words can heal, but they can also be hurtful... even when we don't mean for them to be.

How do you think the story may have changed had Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar offered prayer hands instead of shaking fists? Of course God's will was done, but could it have been done more harmoniously? I often wonder if these three friends offered silent presence & prayer if that conversation with God may have happened sooner. Maybe, just maybe, Job's restoration could have come more quickly.

At the end of the day, we don't need to puff ourselves up with almighty wisdom. We just need to provide what is needed to turn them to Almighty God. If there's one thing I've learned in my life, it's this... a person's heart will change when they're ready.

It's not up to us to change them.

It's not even possible.

All we can do is give tiny seeds of encouragement and hope that someday, they'll want to sow them.

Pray over your friends.

Stop by just to say hello and offer a hug.

Hope fervently for their reunion or new union with God.

He is sovereign over the rest.

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I am a follower of Jesus. I am a husband who is deeply in love with his wife and a father who adores his children. I love writing and observing the world...this blog is a place where I'll share my perspective of what I see around me...and in my own life.




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