Sometimes people get frustrated when reading Biblical Prophecy. They find it difficult to understand and interpret, which leads them to the decision to stop studying prophecy completely.
If this is you, I hope you will trust me when I say that this is a common reaction among Christians.
On a larger scale, and for various reasons; Bible Colleges, Seminary's, and Churches all over the world have given up on teaching Prophetic Scripture or Eschatology altogether. That's perplexing considering Biblical Prophecy encompasses 28% of God's Word.
Prophecy in Scripture is important, but I think people can lose it's true meaning amongst the details of END TIMES events. I know I can.
Brothers and Sisters, never forget that prophecy (at its core) is about SALVATION.
That's why it makes sense that the first prophecy written in Scripture (Genesis 3:15) is about Jesus Christ and the future SALVATION of mankind.
"He (Jesus) will crush your (satan/sin) head, and you (satan/sin) will strike (the crucifixion) His heel."