I love history.
I undoubtedly gained my love of history by influence of my dad. Growing up he always had stories and wisdom about past events that he would share with me, and today I do the same with my family. I have a thirst for knowing where we come from and how far the world has progressed in just a couple of hundred years. This interest I have is a passion for me and I hope to pass this trait on to my kids if I can.
We all have a hand in passing down our interests and passions to the generations after us. It's no coincidence that some of today's great sports players are the children of former sports legends. That family owned business's are still thriving in this country after so many years. Or even that some of our best preachers are preachers kids. There's certainly no denying that the passing of knowledge (in all its different capacities) from generation to generation, can certainly have a profound impact on the world at large and in the future.
What is true in the natural world is very much true in the spiritual realm as well. An expectation is brought forth in Scripture that spiritual heritage will be treasured by each generation and passed on to the next. In the book of Psalms the writer says, "Let each generation tell its children of Your mighty acts; let them proclaim Your power."--Psalms 145:4 (NLT)
This command states an expectation that each generation will hold conversations about God's story with the human race and that these stories will be treasured enough to pass them on. One can also make the assumption that this Scripture speaks to each generation being interested enough in the well-being of the world's future, that they take the time to nurture them in the things of the Spirit.
For some time now, our culture has failed to impart on our youth the importance of communication from the older to the younger. I believe this has caused the beginning of a break in the continuity of principles, priorities, and lifestyle values that God desires our society to have. Without elder to young people dialogue, our kids are left with having maximum interaction with their peers. It's easy to see how this can result in a culture with little or no sense of history or heritage; or the passing of our Spiritual values and realities....and that should be of huge concern to us.
The good news is...things can change. Better yet, you my brothers and sisters, can start that change! How? Simple. Accept the responsibility and privilege of showing the world who Jesus is...His love and story with mankind...His gift of salvation...and the joys of living in communion with Him. We can't guarantee the next generation will come to faith, but we can make sure they have the chance.