I love writing.
It's an act and process that brings me excitement and helps satisfy my desire to bring people hope and encouragement. These blog posts are important to me because I know that somehow the Lord is using them to speak to others. This is all I could ever hope for! That in some way people are hearing God speak to them through my writing.
Though I love writing, I do struggle with it at times. There are seasons when the words struggle to develop and I'm unsure if I should even say anything at all. It's during these times that I'm pretty hard on myself. I feel uninspired and I grow discouraged because I feel I'm not using this gift God has given me. These posts...these letters I write...I value them because of the God I write for. But I also need to remember that they're not the most important letters I'm presenting to the world on Christ's behalf.
In A.D. 55 or 56, the Apostle Paul, who had been preaching the Word of God for some time and had started a handful of churches...was beginning to have his authenticity questioned by members of the Corinthian church. Folks were having a hard time believing he was an apostle and demanded his credentials. After all, he use to, at least before his conversion on the Damascus Road (Acts 9) ; arrest Christians and have them killed.
Paul's response was that the transformed lives of the Corinthians were his credentials. The people themselves were proof of God's work through Paul in Corinthian hearts. He didn't need letters of approval or merit when the whole congregation was made up of living letters written by Christ himself.
Paul's words should echo through the heart of every child of God:
"You are the living letter of the Anointed One, the Liberating King, nurtured by us and inscribed, not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God - a letter too passionate to be chiseled onto stone tablets, but emblazoned upon the human heart."
--2 Corinthians 3:3 (VOICE)
Paul advanced his point by reminding his readers what happened when God had carved into stone the law given to Moses (2 Corinthians 3:6-7). Because the people had constantly broken it, this law was served to condemn them. But now, through Jesus, God has created a new covenant.
Instead of condemnation and death, the new covenant makes us right with God (2 Corinthians 3:9). So don't you see brothers and sisters? It is all those who have been made right with God, who are Christ's letters that can be read by other people.
So as much as I love to write these blogs, it's important that I not forget, that my life is a letter from Jesus. Not to be archived or put on a shelf to collect dust. But instead to be read by the people of this world, in order that they might know Him more and accept His salvation. There is nothing that I could ever write more important than that.
The same is true for you brothers and sisters. You and your life are letters from Christ to a world that desperately needs Him. Let people read Jesus's letter through the story of your life. Deliver it to them with the same love that Christ did...when He wrote His WORDS upon your heart.