To my readers, I want to apologize for my absence of late. As you know, the world has been caught up in the wave of COVID-19. While myself and my family have not contracted the illness; as with most of the planet, we’ve been living out life in the reality of social distancing and quarantines. During this time, I’ve found my mind almost at a constant rate of processing this situation. It’s as if my thoughts have been sped up 100X faster than normal by all the information being issued every day. I’ve found this occurrence makes it difficult for me to sit down and focus on writing.
For anyone that’s new to my blog, I welcome you! I pray that you are doing well, and I hope my constant and new readers alike, have been able to find some kind of blessing during this time. If you’ve found yourself really struggling, I want you to know that you’re not alone. All over the world people are living in their own reality of struggle.
Some have COVID-19 and some have lost friends or family to it. Some have lost their jobs, homes, and the ability to purchase their own food. Some are fighting loneliness in the midst of quarantine. Some are just simply worried about what tomorrow will bring.
The situation is different, but I find that the disciples might have been able to relate to some of what we’re all going through, after Jesus died. You see, after Christ’s death, all Jesus’s followers were marked individuals. The Jewish leaders at that time were looking everywhere for them and no doubt the disciples feared facing the same brutal fate that Jesus did. This fear drove them to hide behind locked doors and in essence, they were facing their own kind of quarantine.
The beautiful thing about God…is that there’s never been a hiding place that He hasn’t been able to find. There’s never been a locked door that He hasn’t been able to walk through.
“On that same evening (Resurrection Sunday), the followers gathered together behind locked doors in fear that some of the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem were still searching for them. Out of nowhere, Jesus appeared in the center of the room.”
John 20:19 (VOICE)
Isn’t that amazing? Isn’t the power of God something to marvel at? I think so! I hope you know, that just like Jesus was there for the disciples during their quarantine, He’s also here now...for yours. I’ve read and heard so many stories about friends and family who have reconnected and drawn closer to each other during this time, and I think that’s awesome! Remember as well, that there’s never been a better time than now, to reconnect and draw closer to Jesus. No matter where you are or what you’re facing….He’s there with you.
But Jeremy, you don’t understand my situation and how truly hard it is? Sure, connecting with God might bring myself some peace in the moment…or even for a few days. But what then? What happens when the reality of life seeps in again and my doubts overcome my faith once more?
If you have this thought, then I want you to know that what you’re thinking is normal. In fact, what you’re thinking will most definitely happen; as it happens to all those that call Jesus their Savior at some point. There is no one immune to hard times. There is no one free of sickness, loneliness, hopelessness, and despair. We all (believers and non-believers alike) will find ourselves breathing in the blessings of the mountain top, as well as breathing in the desolation of the valley.
But our ONE CONSTANT (whether we choose to believe or not) will always be Jesus.
When I go back to read from John chapter twenty, and how in verse nineteen, Jesus came to visit the disciples in their locked room. I can’t help but imagine how each of these men reacted. How the hair stood up on their arms and on the back of their necks. How their smiles were probably uncontrollably locked in place. The surge of their excitement causing their skin to glow.
They were seeing Jesus RESURRECTED and alive before them. Their choice to follow and believe in Him, was confirmed and proven to be the right one in that meeting.
How could doubt and fear every influence these men again?
And yet….
“Eight days later, they gathered again BEHIND LOCKED DOORS; and Jesus reappeared.”
John 20:26 (VOICE)
So you see, even the disciples had their ups and downs.
The important thing to remember, is that Jesus was there with them in their place of quarantine…just like He is there for you, in yours. You can be a believer or non-believer, and still find Jesus is always around you. Finding Him is just a matter of you letting down your guard and letting in your faith.
I’m not saying that it’s easy or that your life will automatically and forever be better. I’m just saying it’s worth it. In the end, it’s worth it all.