I think a misconception people in the world can have about HOPE, is that they have to have something good in their lives or something positive that they’re striving for, in order to keep HOPE alive and in their grasps.
People become inspired to hope when they see good in the world, whether they’re contributing to the virtuous deeds being done or simply observing the acts being accomplished from afar. There’s a notion that as long as life feels purposeful, positive, and comfortable…then there’s always reason to HOPE.
I think there’s truth to be found in this sentiment…but I also believe that HOPE is meant for more than our “feel good” moments in life.
In fact, I challenge that HOPE finds its greatest worth, whenever our lives are faced with trouble or attacked by pain and doubt.
When our situations seem impossible to live through or unfair, our hearts can easily fall back on the lie that, “There’s nothing in my life to be hopeful for.” Once this seed is planted in our minds, the roots of fear, panic, and ignorance can grow at speeds unthinkable...if we let them.
If we let ourselves believe that our HOPE can only be found when things are going good and when life seems easiest, then we’re stunting our ability to overcome the hard times. We’re holding back our courage to fight back and be brave against the tides of trouble in life that come…and THEY WILL come.
Jesus said, “I have told you these things so that you will be whole and at peace. In this world, you will be plagued with times of trouble, but you need not fear; I have triumphed over this corrupt world order.” (John 16:33, VOICE).
Jesus didn’t say we would only face a few times of trouble in our lives. He said we would be PLAGUED with times of trouble. But He also said that in times of trouble, we need not fear. If we listen to God and live out HOPE in all areas of our lives, than we will find the “wholeness” and “peace” Jesus talks about in the scripture above no matter what our situation is.
I’m not saying that staying hopeful is easy and that in every challenge we face in life, we’re going to exhibit HOPE to the most glorious standard. I know that’s not realistic.
I guess what I’m trying to say is…HOPE is not an uncontrolled result we experience in life when things are going just the way we want them too. HOPE is the opposite of that reality.
HOPE was designed by God for us to hold on to and live out amongst the darkness in the world. It thrives in our trials and shines brightest against overwhelming odds. Like so many things in our lives, HOPE is our choice, and only we can decide how and when to use it.