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Writer's picture: Jeremy WalkerJeremy Walker

The Sea of Galilee measures thirteen miles long and eight miles wide. It is located in a basin seven hundred feet below sea level, making it one of the lowest points on earth. Mountains surround this majestic body of water and its Southern end is a deep, cliff-lined valley.

I’ve never stood before the Sea of Galilee and seen it with my own eyes…but I hope to someday.

Until then, I rely on pictures and descriptions that I find through google searches, old books, and Scripture; to experience this amazing place. I’ve read in the past that the Mediterranean is drawn down through the narrow mountain passes, and collides with the hot, humid air of Galilee lying over the lake. Thus, the size and shape of this area creates a vortex effect with weather patterns, so that sudden, violent storms come up without warning. Sometimes, a person in a boat will not see a storm coming until it is too late, because they are hidden behind the mountains.

This unexpected occurrence (at least for the person in the boat), reminds me of what happened to the disciples in Matthew chapter eight, when an unexpected storm began rocking the fishing boat they were aboard with Jesus on the Sea of Galilee, with relentless violence. As most people could probably relate, the disciples were overwhelmed with fear…but also totally confused…as they watched Jesus sleeping through the storm without being disturbed.

“And then Jesus got into a boat, and His disciples followed Him. Out of nowhere, a vicious storm blew over the sea. Waves were lapping up over the boat, threatening to overtake it! Yet Jesus was asleep. Frightened (not to mention confused – how could anyone sleep through this?), the disciples woke Him up.

Disciples: Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!

Jesus: Please! What are you so afraid of, you of little faith?

Jesus got up, told the wind and the waves to calm down, and they did. The sea became still and calm once again.

--Matthew 8:23-26 (VOICE)

I’ve heard many sermons given through the words of this passage and there are simply too many views and points of inspiration, guidance, and wisdom that a person could extract from this story to list them all; so I won’t. The one thing I do feel compelled to mention is that this story should remind us that we all face unforeseen storms in our life. Some of you are even in the midst of one right now. You weren’t expecting it, much less prepared for it! But now you’re living out your life in the middle of a storm and you can’t help but feel that Jesus might be sleeping through the chaos you’re experiencing.

Brothers and sisters, I want you to remember that just because Jesus stopped the storm in Matthew chapter eight, when His disciples were overwhelmed and woke Him up, doesn’t mean He will do the same for you. Sure, He might…but He also might not.

Look at our Scripture again. You can tell by the way Jesus handled this situation with the disciples, that he was disappointed with their response. And I don’t think He was necessarily disappointed by their fear of the storm, but more so their unwillingness to lean on their faith and allow it to give them the strength to ride out the weather.

You see, because we live in a fallen world, storms are always going to be a part of our lives. They could come by way of our own choices or someone else’s. No matter the scenario, how we respond is vital to the quality, purpose, and meaning of life we’ll experience both during and after the storm.

If you choose to live by faith through life’s difficulties, I think you’ll be surprised at how much stronger you’ll be physically, emotionally, and spiritually. You also might find that facing the trials of your life with your head held high and your faith in full bloom, will prepare you even more for the future storms you’ll face.

Never forget that panic is not the answer to overcoming our difficulties. Letting yourself lash out in anger and say things unbecoming of your sensibilities and belittling to your Savior, only makes your problems worst in the end. It also weakens your ability to be a light for Christ in a darkening world.

So when the storms of life bring you fear and cause you to doubt yourself and God, just remember, it’s okay to stay in the boat and face your trials head on.

You’re not alone. You never will be.

Somewhere in you there is strength.

Somewhere in you there is strength.

Somewhere in you there is strength.

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I am a follower of Jesus. I am a husband who is deeply in love with his wife and a father who adores his children. I love writing and observing the world...this blog is a place where I'll share my perspective of what I see around me...and in my own life.




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