There was once a young couple named Joseph and Mary, that entered the gates of a town called Bethlehem. They were there to fulfill Joseph’s duty of being present for a massive census taking place. Since Bethlehem was his ancestral hometown, his presence was required by Caesar Augustus.
Mary (Joseph’s betrothed) was with child and coming into the final days of her pregnancy.
“And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.”
--Luke 2:6-7 (ESV)
When you read the small excerpt above as it is…it’s not far-fetched to believe that a person who has no relationship with God or any knowledge of the birth of Jesus Christ, could just see this story as some normal occurrence in the world.
Without knowing that Mary was pregnant by way of the Holy Spirit and that her child was the Savior of the world…one could read this simple passage above and interpret it was just another out of wedlock couple having a baby.
Granted, it was a long time ago, and it seems the accommodations were lacking. But sometimes kids are born in unaccommodating places. Back then and even today. There’s nothing special or significant about Joseph and Mary’s story concerning the birth of their Son.
You see, without the proper context…the “Miraculous” can be sized down to “Average” or even “Normal”.
Some of you reading these thought of mine might be thinking, “Jeremy, you’re taking this too far. Who doesn’t know the story of Jesus’s birth and how Mary became pregnant with Him? It’s a world-wide Christmas story that’s been around forever! It will always be special and significant. No one ever tells this story the way you did above.”
And to that, I can concede that you’re probably right.
But then I read a STORY about a school in East London that made the decision to create a “WOKE” (a political term referring to political consciousness of issues concerning social and racial justice) version of the song “Away in a Manger” in the name of being “inclusive”; and I find my apprehension a little more justified.
You might remember that the first verse of “Away in a Manger” says this:
“Away in a manger, no crib for a bed. The little Lord Jesus, lay down His sweet head.”
This new, WOKE version, says this:
“Away in a manger, no crib for a bed. The little baby Jesus, lay down His sweet head.”
As you can see, “The little Lord Jesus”, is replaced with “The little baby Jesus”.
I could be wrong, but for me, this is where our world starts in attempting to make Jesus “Normal” and insignificant. It’s the attempt to sacrifice the significance of Christ being born into this world to save us from sin…for the sake of people’s feelings and comfort zones.
The sensitive nature of the world overwhelms me. It’s an emotional itch that we all scratch much too often.
I worry that eventually, Jesus will be known as just another “good man”…that the significance of His deity and Lordship will fade in the words and actions of a people that look to our own understanding for purpose and significance.
My heart aches as I imagine Jesus, just born and wrapped in a blanket.
His little hands sent to heal us. His brow destined for a crown of thorns. His tiny heart, pumping blood that will save us all.
That the world would choose to find ways to degrade the beauty and sacrifice of Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, for any reason, is a selfish action. That we would do it for our own comfort, feelings, and significance, is even more unfathomable.
Brothers and sisters, the only way we can shine God’s light in this world and keep Jesus from seeming like just another “good man”…is to welcome Him into our hearts and not be afraid to love and serve others as He does. We must acknowledge that He is God and never deny that He is King of our lives and worthy of welcome and praise.
Welcome Him…welcome Him.
"Welcome to our World" / Chris Rice
Tears are falling, hearts are breaking How we need to hear from God You've been promised, we've been waiting Welcome Holy Child [Repeat: x1]
Hope that You don't mind our manger How I wish we could have known But long-awaited Holy Stranger Make Yourself at home Please make Yourself at home
Bring Your peace into our violence Bid our hungry souls be filled Word now breaking Heaven's silence Welcome to our world [Repeat: x1]
Fragile finger sent to heal us Tender brow prepared for thorn Tiny heart whose blood will save us Unto us is born [Repeat: x1]
So wrap our injured flesh around You Breathe our air and walk our sod Rob our sins and make us holy Perfect Son of God [Repeat: x1]
Welcome to our world