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Jeremy Walker

The last week a hurricane of great strength and power has caused untold amounts of destruction and threatened the safety, and even lives, of those people in its path. As of today this massive storm is still active and moving along the East coast of the United States, as those whom the storm has passed are devastated and trying to figure out what to do next amongst the newfound chaos of their lives.

I have to be honest about something.

While I’ve said prayers for these precious survivors of this storm (whose numbers is probably far greater than anyone will ever really know), I can’t deny that my attention has been pulled by the incessant actions of the media and our president during this time. And while I won’t waste a lot of your time with everything that has been said, I will give you the gist of the matter, and what God is speaking to me right now because of it.

President Trump, during an interview concerning where this hurricane was headed, presented a print out of a graphic that showed the predicted path of the storm. Within the graphic, the president apparently (with sharpie) added the state of Alabama as having the potential to be effected.

Almost immediately after this interview was over, the media blew up the news with how the President was wrong in his prediction of Alabama being involved. Suddenly my newsfeed was being blasted with headlines like, “Sharpie-Gate? President Trump’s Alternate Hurricane Map”, “President Trump Showed a Doctored Hurricane Chart”, “Trump’s Sharpie-Doctored Hurricane Map Embodies the Man”, “Anatomy of a Fiasco: A Detailed Timeline of Trump's Alabama Map Meltdown”, and “ The Short Arc of a Sharpie Captures the Long Arc of Trump”.

The headlines literally go on and on, bashing the president in what’s become a trend in the media today.

On the flip side, in what’s become just as predictable as the media, President Trump quickly began defending his position with his usual remarks of, “This nonsense has never happened to another President”, “The Fake News Media”, “Corrupt reporting with still no apology”, “The LameStream Media and their Democrat partner should start playing it straight”, and “What I said was accurate”.

So I think I might know what you’re thinking as you read this post right now…Jeremy, what’s your point? This kind of thing happens every day, so what’s new? What is God speaking to you through all this?

Simple. Self-control.

You see, just like the media and our president seems to lack this element in their actions towards each other; I can’t deny that I lack it at times too. I’m just as guilty, if not more, of reacting in anger when I’m faced with a difficult situation I don’t’ like, or getting irate if someone doesn’t agree with me. It happens. And while it seems our culture is saturated with this same mindset right now, I can’t blame anyone else for my poor attitude and actions…it’s all on me.

So here’s the thing. God doesn’t view how strong, loud, or powerful we are as qualities we should solely aspire too. A person’s ability to be a world leader (no matter who they are) or have influence over others and what they read, see, or hear is a huge responsibility; but these positions come second to what God considers more important for us all…and that’s our ability to each have control over our own selves and actions.

“Moderation is better than muscle, self-control better than political power"


--Proverbs 16:32 (MSG)

How we choose to respond and present our character to the world has far more importance to God than our need to be right and respected. When we let our anger take over, we lose the esteem of Jesus, the respect of our fellow man, and the happiness and joy within ourselves that God wants us to have.

Somehow and someway, this world has to find self-control again, and it’s going to take the meek and humble to do it. It’s also going to take a people willing to let go of control and letting Jesus be the guide. Because the truth is, all the anger and wrath we spew into the world is not a true reflection of who any of us really are. And it’s not worth gaining a second of power or fame, if that means we have to lose who we are in the process. God doesn’t want us to do that and we shouldn’t either.

The worse part of what’s happened in this hurricane tantrum between the president and the media, is that the victims of this terrible storm are losing their place in the hearts of Americans.

The fight is overshadowing the need of our brothers and sisters out there, and that’s simply wrong.

God, please help us to be a people that value what you value. Please help us to conquer ourselves, so that we can truly serve others with a heart of selflessness.

Anyone who intends to come with Me has to let Me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow Me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, My way, to saving yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? What could you ever trade your soul for?

--Mark 8:34-37 (MSG)

Who's your brother, who's your sister You just walked passed him I think you missed her As we're all migrating to the place where our father lives 'cause we married in to a family of immigrants My first allegiance is not to a flag, a country, or a man My first allegiance is not to democracy or blood It's to a king & a kingdom There are two great lies that i’ve heard: “the day you eat of the fruit of that tree, you will not surely die” And that Jesus Christ was a white, middle-class republican And if you wanna be saved you have to learn to be like Him My first allegiance is not to a flag, a country, or a man My first allegiance is not to democracy or blood It's to a king & a kingdom But nothing unifies like a common enemy And we’ve got one, sure as hell But he may be living in your house He may be raising up your kids He may be sleeping with your wife Oh no, he may not look like you think

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I am a follower of Jesus. I am a husband who is deeply in love with his wife and a father who adores his children. I love writing and observing the world...this blog is a place where I'll share my perspective of what I see around me...and in my own life.




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