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Jeremy Walker

It was a short hike to the river.

A hike that began on a narrow, rocky trail, moving downhill. Mesquite trees and cedars lined the trail on both sides, their limbs caressing our arms and shoulders as we moved past them to the hurried sounds of rushing water ahead. The sun setting and the beginning of night merged with the blue sky creating a canvas of dark streaked orange and purple clouds.

As we reached the clearing beyond the trees, the ground evened out into a palate of white rock with deep grooves etched out into its surface. Years of rain, wind, erosion, and pressure had caused the horizontal lines that raced north and out of sight. They made me think of God Himself, reaching down from the Heavens with His mighty hand, and racking the rock with the tips of His fingers like I would do with my own hand through grains of sand or dirt.

Beyond the lined rock was a bed of loose, palm-sized, stones that surrounded the river to its edge on both sides. Even with our swimming shoes on, my wife, kids, and I (okay, mostly me) would occasional hiss with pain, as the rocks pressed hard against the pressure points of our heels and the arches of our feet.

We moved quickly towards the clear reflection of the water, in earnest, the clearest water in a Texas river bed we’ve ever seen. Other folks are there, dotted across the river, but we barely notice. Instead we leap into the water, letting the cool liquid soothe the heat of the day between our toes and the skin of our feet. It’s a soothing feeling you can’t describe and maybe God means it to be that way.

I watch as the kids play and my wife joins them, splashing water on each other with joy and wonder. I look behind me as their laughter fills my ears and take notice of a small separation of rocks in the river bed causing a two to three foot water fall of sorts. The river moves down the short drop with not enough speed to knock me down, but fast enough that I have to mind my balance so not to fall of my own clumsiness.

It’s here in this moment that I find a place to sit on the edge of the river bank and quietly watch God’s creation in action.

The movement of the water and its sound as it hits the rocks and earth around me. The way the tall grass and trees move as the invisible wind helps to create their musical chorus. The sound of my little family, living and breathing and laughing as they splash through the water.

In this moment I’m captivated by everything that surrounds me.

I’m reminded of Jesus’s words to His disciples as He is preparing them for His death and resurrection:

“In a little while, the world will not see Me; but I will not vanish completely from your sight. Because I live, you will also live. At that time, you will know that I am in the Father, you are in Me, and I am in you.”

--John 14:19-20 (VOICE)

A tear stings my right eye as I think about how marvelous it is that God became a man and walked among us. He did so that we might all have a chance to receive salvation, but in doing so He also understands, even better than we can, what it really means to be human. He understands everything about us. Our hopes, fears, and temptations. How easy it is for us to get angry with each other, or even with Him…and how hard it is to find forgiveness for the one who’s hurt us. He knows our hearts and the soul of every person that’s ever lived…including you…including me.

He knows what we need, and I can’t help but think that He knew even before creation that I was someday going to be sitting on that river bank needing those very moments I was living out. That He knew that Jesus’s words would sound in my head, “At that time, you will know that I am in the Father, you are in Me, and I am in you.”

How wonderful is our God? How deep is His love for us?

I only need to look at the beauty of the rushing river to know that He cares and longs for us to live joyfully in this world. Not so that we can give our heart and attention to His creation, but instead through experiencing all He’s made for us, we can be reminded of His majesty and want to honor Him for it.

He knows that we will be marveled by these places because He knows us. So I challenge you brothers and sisters…go find that place where God reveals Himself greatly to you and receive His blessing as you honor Him. It can be anywhere you like…anywhere that moves you after His heart.

Just go…wait…and listen for the blessing of His truth.

Experience it.

It’s worth it.

Find me in the river. Find me on my knees. I've walked against the water, now I'm waiting if you please. We didn't count on suffering, we didn't count on pain. But if there are blessings in the valley, then in the river I will wait.

--Delirious (RIVER)

Find me in the River Find me on my knees I've walked against the water Now I'm waiting if you please We've longed to see the roses But never felt the thorns And bought our pretty crowns But never paid the price

Find me in the River Find me there Find me on my knees with my soul laid bare Even though you're gone And I'm cracked and dry Find me in the River I'm waiting here

Find me in the River Find me on my knees I've walked against the water Now I'm waiting if you please We didn't count on suffering We didn't count on pain But if there are blessings in the valley Then in the River I will wait

Find me in the River Find me there Find me on my knees with my soul laid bare Even though you're gone And I'm cracked and dry Find me in the River I'm waiting here

Find me in the river Find me there Find me on my knees with my soul laid bare Even though you're gone And I'm cracked and dry Find me in the river I'm waiting here for you

Come find me here...

Find me in the River...

Find me here for you...

Oh wash over me...

Find me here

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I am a follower of Jesus. I am a husband who is deeply in love with his wife and a father who adores his children. I love writing and observing the world...this blog is a place where I'll share my perspective of what I see around me...and in my own life.




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