I’ve talked a lot lately about the choices we make in life and how they affect ourselves and the people around us.
We live a life where every day is a practice in decision-making.
Choices about what you will do, how you will think, and what you will worship, should be a reminder that you have free will to choose whatever path in life you think is best for yourself (or if you have a family, what is best for all of you). But here’s the thing, while it’s your choice, you don’t have to make these decisions alone. You can talk to your family, a friend, or counselor. If you’re married, you should definitely have a conversation with your spouse. Most importantly, you have God by your side to help you with whatever choice you’re facing. Always remember that His counsel will lead you to Himself and ultimately, that’s exactly where He wants you to be and where you should desire to journey.
As you go through life, it’s inevitable that at some point you’ll be faced with a choice that you’re uncertain about, EVEN AFTER talking with someone or going to God with what you’re facing. Sometimes a decision seems so important to you, that the fear of it is overwhelming.
We’ve all been there, right? Of course!
During these times, I encourage you to make choices that you sincerely believe will bring you to a closer relationship with God. You might think that you’re relationship with Him has nothing to do with your choice…but I think if you investigate closely the decision in front of you…you’ll find that your choices and your proximity to God fall hand in hand. What I mean is this, when you have made a poor decision in your life, how close and in connection did you feel with God? I know for me, I definitely have felt my relationship with God suffer whenever I’ve made bad choices. It’s a side effect of trying to do things on my own, or making decisions that are selfish and only for me.
The good news is, even when you feel far from God…you’re not. You have His promise that He, “will not leave you or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6; ESV). So don’t be afraid to reach out and ask Him for help and wisdom. I promise, you will get answers when you humbly seek Him.
“We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live it.”