I remember as a kid watching old cartoons where sometimes the main character was faced with a moral dilemma they had to figure out. In the midst of the decision making process the character runs through scenarios of determining what is the “right” or “wrong” course of action…or what is the “good” choice or “evil” choice. This act of conscience was usually represented by an angelic creature appearing on one shoulder of the character, while a demonic creature appeared on the other shoulder. Both the angel and the demon would whisper into the ears of the character, trying to influence him in whatever choice they most desired.
What choice would the character make at the conclusion of this process? How would his conscience inform his decision?
While just a cartoon, this picture illustrates for us our own internal battle with the choices we make in life. It is our reality that we have a conscience that helps inform our decision making. This process was given to us by God, in order that we might consider our own self-evaluation. Conscience is a part of us that induces feelings of anguish and guilt when we violate what we believe to be right and good for us as individuals. It also induces feelings of pleasure and a healthy well-being when what we say, do, or think, conform to our value system.
While listening to our conscience can be helpful for making good decisions in life, we have to remember that our “inner voice” is only as wise as the truth we expose it too. What I mean by that is this…if we’re not nurturing and growing our conscience within the center of God’s truth; then we’re nurturing and growing it under someone else’s truth. And whether that truth be something we made up our self…or someone else’s interpretation entirely…we risk convincing ourselves to make decisions that might not be best for us, or worse, might not be in God’s will for our lives. So keeping the Word of God at the center of our conscience, is truly what we should trust in and depend on for making good choices.
Some thoughts to consider:
Since man’s creation, every person on planet earth, has lived in the joy or struggle of this process. The Disciple Luke, writes in the book of Acts:
“I always do my best to live with a clear conscience toward God and all people.”
--Acts 24:16 (VOICE)
Notice he doesn’t say, “I have no problem at all living with a clear conscience toward God and all people.” No, he says that he does his best…just like we all do our best. So don’t feel like an outcast if you’re struggling with your conscience, because we all do. Just work hard to focus on the truth of God and not the truth of the world that can lead you astray.
The hard part of this reality is that even we, believers in Christ, can attack or ignore God’s Truth, by abandoning our conscience or transforming its values by way of the world’s thinking. WE HAVE TO BE SMART and we have to trust in God for all our wisdom and what is best. The truth of the world will do its best to make the truth of God seem small and sometimes even impossible to live out…and this is where our battle begins. It doesn’t take place on some grand field in hand to hand combat. No, the battle for our conscience takes place in the minds and hearts of man.
How will you be swayed? What truth will you live for?
“For though we walk in the world, we do not fight according to this world’s rules of warfare. The weapons of the war we’re fighting are not of this world but are powered by God and effective at tearing down the strongholds erected against His truth. We are demolishing arguments and ideas, every high-and-mighty philosophy that pits itself against the knowledge of the one true God. We are taking prisoners of every thought, every emotion, and subduing them into obedience to the Anointed One.”
--2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (VOICE)
“Let us draw near with true hearts full of faith, with hearts rinsed clean of any EVIL CONSCIENCE, and with bodies cleansed with pure water. Let us hold strong to the confession of our hope, never wavering, since the One who promised it to us is faithful. Let us consider how to inspire each other to greater love and to righteous deeds.”
--Hebrews 10:22-24 (VOICE)
One of the greatest weapons of the enemy, is to convince Christians that they’re alone in their faith. Satan will do his best to persuade you, that in a world full of “spiritual” people that are open to ALL IDEAS OF FAITH, VALUES, AND MORALITY, that it would be crazy not to join them. That it is egotistical and self-righteous to believe that there is only ONE WAY and ONE TRUTH to guide our conscience.
If he can do anything to isolate you and make you doubt God’s loving heart for His people…if he can make you think even for second, that God is holding out on you, or that God’s way and truth is too hard and will cost you too much to follow…he will. He did it with one-third of the angels in Heaven that sided with him and his truth (Revelation 12:4). He did it with Eve in the garden (Genesis 3:3) when he tempted her to eat of the Tree. He’s been doing it since the beginning and he’s still doing it today.
But we can overcome our enemy with the help and guidance of God. If we refuse the world and focus on God’s truth, our minds and conscience will be transformed to the thoughts, values, and actions, that are Holy and acceptable to God (Romans 12:2). This process is a journey. One of faith and action on our part. But it’s not a journey we have to travel on our own. We have each other and like the Apostle Paul so beautifully says in 2 Corinthians 10:5, “Let us consider how to inspire each other to greater love and to righteous deeds.”
Our conscience doesn’t have to be the battle between the angel and the devil on our shoulders. Instead, we can stand solid and firm in the truth of God, knowing that His ways are best and that our lives are better and more purposed because we choose to follow Him.
Will we always be tempted to resist God’s truth and ignore our conscience?
Probably so.
Just know that the more you make the decision to follow your conscience within God’s truth, the easier it will become to say “no” to a world constantly changing its mind about what exactly their truth really is.
The choice is yours.
Where will your conscience lead you?