When something happens in our lives that causes it to be broken, chaotic, or uncertain…whenever desperation, confusion, and pain, merge together like a painfully exposed nerve in our chest…most often, we will cry out to God. Both believers and non-believers alike. It happens. And I think it happens because deep down we trust that if God is real, then He will always be there for us. Unchanging in His love and ultimate care of our lives.
When issues of morality in the world are redefined…when our politics don’t match up with those of our countries leaders…when kids are abused….when bad choices are made out of our control…when someone we love gets hurt…when Christian leaders fall…when our faith is questioned…most often, our first response is to question God’s silence. We wonder why He’s not intervening or why is He allowing people to steal, kill, and destroy other people, places, and things in this life. While we are thankful for our free will, we also would like God to control and keep the bad things in life from happening. It sure would make things a lot easier.
The problem is brothers and sisters, God doesn’t change.
Not in His love for us or in His promise to give each human on the earth free will to make good or bad choices. Regardless if innocent people get hurt by another’s actions or if the world seems to be slipping further into darkness; God is faithful to never change…and to never go back on His promises. He’s keeping His Word to us in these matters.
That’s not to say that He doesn’t care about the difficulties we go through. He most certainly does care and desire for all of us to be joyful. But God’s not like us. He’s not human. He doesn’t lie. He won’t ever get better or worse. He will never learn something new that He did not already know before. He will never be caught off guard or surprised by anything. God is perfect and eternal. He is all-knowing, unchanging, and all love.
“I am the Lord, and I do not change.”
--Malachi 3:6 (NLT)
Whether you realize it or not, this is good news! Could you imagine a world where God changed His mind as much as we do? It would be chaos, wouldn’t it? And let us not forget that because of God’s immutable nature, we can be forgiven no matter what we’ve done in the past. We can be saved and never have to worry about that salvation being taken away. Because of God’s unchanging and unfailing love, we have The EXAMPLE of how we should all try to love and show grace to others.
So when life is hard and we want to question God’s motives…let’s remember who HE IS and who WE’RE NOT. It’s going to be hard sometimes, but deep down, we all know we can trust God. His love never fails, no matter what the circumstance is.
“God is not a man, so He does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change His mind. Has He ever spoken and failed to act? Has He ever promised and not carried it through?”