Have you ever done things to show God honor, but found at the end of your service, that you felt like you failed? Maybe you thought that by serving and honoring God that you would feel different inside…but you don’t. In fact, you don’t even feel the presence of God telling you that you’ve honored Him and that He’s pleased by your actions.
There’s something wrong with this picture, isn’t there? Some sort of disconnect between your actions and Gods response. Yes, there is something wrong. But I think you’ll find that the reason has everything to do with your heart. You see, while your actions in honoring God are important, they are not enough.
God desires honor that comes from our hearts.
"These people think they can draw near to Me by saying the right things, by honoring Me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from Me."
--Isaiah 29:13 (VOICE)
Honor originates in our hearts.
It’s more than a feeling and it’s far more than praising God through song or preaching His Word. Showing honor refers to the value we place on something or someone…it’s a revelation of what God means to us. And while we can hide the truth of our hearts from the world, we will never be able to hide it from God. We stand before Him totally exposed.
So how can we make our hearts right before Him?
I will say this, it’s hard for our hearts to place value on anyone we’re not familiar with.
If we don’t communicate with someone…share our hearts and listen to theirs in return, then a bond and connection are going to be hard to manifest and grow. We also will have trouble honoring someone when we don’t know who they really are and what they’ve accomplished. In Gods case, He has done more for the world and us personally than we will ever be able to fathom. But how blessed are we that we can first discover these accomplishments through His Word, then experience His blessings in our own lives.
I was once told that emotion without devotion is infatuation. After everything God has done for me, I feel such disappointment in myself that I’ve lived so much of my relationship with Him void of devotion. Because He’s certainly stayed devoted to me. The easiest thing I’ve ever done is show honor to God when I’m at my best spiritually and at my closest with Him. But maybe…just maybe…God would be more honored if my devotion to Him was not swayed, even in the hard times. Perhaps then, the truth of His value to me would shine brighter than ever before, amongst the darkness trying to creep its way into my heart.
Father, helps us to be close to Your heart, so that ours will honor You the way you deserve. We understand that no successful relationship can be one-sided. So we have to make our move to know you better and understand the great mystery of Your love for us.
Are you ready brothers and sisters? MAKE YOUR MOVE.
Jesus (quoting Scripture): “Love the Eternal One your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind.”