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Jeremy Walker

There is no, “I see your point.”

There is no, “you might be right.”

There is no, “I might need to study this situation more.”

There is no, “I don’t agree with you, but I understand your position.”

We’re a LOUD culture of people and getting LOUDER every day. We want to be heard, to be acknowledged, to be taken seriously, but more than anything else…we want to be RIGHT.

In fact, we insist on it.

So much so that seeing another person’s point of view is akin to sinning, because there’s no way we’re wrong.

Maybe there’s something you can recognize in the thoughts below.

There’s no way I’m wrong…and I’ll tell the world all day long, that I’m open minded and that it’s a free country where anyone can have their own opinion; I’ll say it until I’m blue in the face. People have the right to believe whatever they want and express it however they want…unless…they confront me with it.

If that happens, then all bets are off. If that happens, then I’m going to put a big “BUT” at the end of my previous statement about people being free to believe and say what they want. A “BUT” that says, “forget what I said before, now I’m going to tell you what I really mean!”

If someone has the courage to speak out against me with their dissenting views, than I’m going to not only respond, but I’m going to be heard. Whatever I have to do, I’m going to do it. If I have to get testy, so be it. If I have to yell, then they’ll see my passion. If I have to name call and degrade this person, then that’s their fault for being ignorant enough to challenge me. Because I’m going to be RIGHT and they’re either going to accept my point and follow my lead, or they’re on their own.

I can imagine that as you read the italicized words above, you had someone in mind that you could imagine saying those things. And I don’t blame you, there are people all over this country modeling those thoughts to a tee. But I wonder, could you picture yourself?

I know it might be hard…it’s hard for me…but sometimes we need to self-evaluate and realize that maybe we’re contributing to the problem somehow. I think that sometimes in our fervor to convince people of our side of things, we forget that God made us to have free-will in this life and to make choices of our own to be accountable for.

It’s heartbreaking to see how far we’ll go to be RIGHT and how much damage we’re willing to cause to look wise, important, and a head above the rest. As Christians we preach that we’re to be, “the light of the world,” (Matthew 5:14) and an example of Christ’s love.

How easy it is to forget that we’re not the SOURCE of the light.

How easy it is to forget that we’re just as dirty (spiritually speaking) as everyone else and just as guilty of not being RIGHT.

The scripture above…the Apostle Paul said that.

Even in all that he was doing for Jesus, and all the persecution and unfair trials he faced…He never forgot just how sinful he was. And I can’t help but believe, that by having that kind of humility, we would have a chance to have a far greater impact in the world.

I think there’s evidence, that none of us want to hear from someone who has everything figured out and who thinks they’re always right. Especially if that person thinks they can prove their point with thunderous screams and insulting words. But our world is becoming helpless to resist the temptation to snap back in anger when challenged. It’s a negative character trait that I fear is being driven into the minds of this generation, and the scary thing is, we’re all susceptible.

I’m going to be honest, I don’t have the answers on how to bring everything back together, if it ever really was to begin with. I just know that what the world is doing now is not working, and that it’s not one-sided. We all have a part in it somehow…and I am the guiltiest of all.

Only acknowledge your guilt, that you rebelled against the Lord your God and scattered your favors among foreigners under every green tree, and that you have not obeyed My voice,” declares the Lord.

And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.”

--Jeremiah 3:13; 3:15 (ESV)

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I am a follower of Jesus. I am a husband who is deeply in love with his wife and a father who adores his children. I love writing and observing the world...this blog is a place where I'll share my perspective of what I see around me...and in my own life.




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