Sometimes keeping focus is hard for me. It’s easy to get SIDETRACKED living in a world that demands your constant attention in many different ways. This is especially true in my relationship with Jesus. You would think that staying focused on God would be easy and something we all would be fearful to stray from…but it’s not. It can be a real struggle.
It makes me think of the Disciple Peter, on a dark windy night, slowly stepping out of a boat and onto the sea; WALKING on the sea and making his way towards Jesus.
Have you ever tried it? Walking on water? I have…and needless to say, I was unsuccessful. But Peter, he actually (if even for a moment) felt water be solid under his footsteps. He somehow kept the right focus and walked on water towards Jesus. I can’t even fathom the thrill of such an accomplishment, my finite mind just won’t go there. But even in that incredible, once in a lifetime moment, something happened. Peter was SIDETRACKED…by the wind. His focus was taken away, and once that happened, his faith went along with it.
He started to sink.
“O you of little faith,” Jesus said while reaching out and catching Peter. “Why did you doubt and dance back and forth between following Me and heeding fear?” – Matthew 14:31 (VOICE)
What is your focus today?
We have the opportunity to celebrate and take joy in this life that God has given us. It’s just a matter of being willing to focus our attention on Him.
How do we do this? Where do we start?
I think a good way to start is by thanking God for all the blessings He has given you. If we really think about it, there are probably more than we ever imagined. This act of thankfulness can be a tipping point for positive thinking and optimism in your heart. It can be a push towards trusting God and believing in hope; instead of focusing on your fears and things you can’t possibly control.
If the difference between walking on water and sinking is our focus, than like Peter, we all have a chance to do the seemingly impossible.