It’s 2019, and I wonder if in the future, when kids are in school looking at our lives through history books or online articles; if the truth and reality of FEAR in our world today will be recorded? I have a hard time believing that it won’t. One only needs to watch the news, read an article, or peruse their social media feed to find the overwhelming and obvious truth that we live in a world of constant worry and fear. The negativity that surrounds us is constant, and it’s marketed on a global scale. Sure, there are solutions given (by politicians, preachers, reporters, self-help gurus, bloggers, Dr. Phil) that suggest how to calm our fears, worry, and anxiety…but the problem is, there’s too many of them. How do we pick the right solution among a billion options?
May I be so bold as to offer a suggestion?
LOVE is the solution.
Particularly, perfect love.
What? What are talking about Jeremy?
I’m talking about overcoming our day to day fears by accepting perfect love. I think we can all understand that most of the things we worry about and fear will never come to pass; yet we worry still. Our futures, our pasts, our finances and relationships; all these things and so much more we hold up and internalize to the point of anxiety and stress in our life that is not easily relieved. But if we’re being honest, all these worries are lessened by love.
Those moments when we are fearful the most and at our wits end, might be the moment that our spouse holds us in love. It might be the moment that our kids look at us and say, “I love you”. It might be the moment that a friend reaches out with a phone call or a family member makes a surprise visit; giving you the knowledge that you’re not alone after all and life can be truly sweet. And if you can acknowledge that these moments of love (and so many others) can lessen the burden of worry in your heart, well then maybe you’re brave enough to accept Gods love in your life. Because I promise, His love is on a whole different level.
The truth is, whether you’re a believer or not, we all need His perfect love.
We all need Him to touch our hearts, renew our minds, and calm our fears.
Jesus is that perfect love, and through Him we can overcome and gain a better perspective on the things that trouble us. Brothers and sisters, we don’t have to walk through this life in constant worry and fear, and the simplest way we can start standing firm in faith and behold a more positive nature…is just to believe in Him. That’s it.
Jesus overheard their words. Then He turned to look at Jairus (the ruler of the synagogue).
“It’s all right. Don’t be afraid; just believe.” -- Mark 5:36 (VOICE)