It’s so easy to find ourselves in life feeling ordinary.
In fact, for so many of us, that’s what we would call our day to day lives…ordinary…maybe even average…common…the same.
We wake up every morning and begin the routine of life we have made for ourselves and we go to sleep every night satisfied that everything that needed to be done that day is done. Isn’t it crazy how even in that satisfaction we can still feel kind of empty? Isn’t it even frustrating to admit that sometimes no matter how hard we try we still feel stagnant in our lives…unmoving and unmotivated. We don’t hate this place we’re in because life is as always, moving forward…but we don’t feel like we’ve accomplished much either. It’s like the constant moving forward of an escalator, but we’re firmly standing in place while the world passes by all around us.
Worse than all of this though, we feel a disconnection in our life…maybe even forgotten.
Forgotten by our family…our friends…the world. If we dig a little deeper we might even find that we feel forgotten by God.
Isn’t there supposed to be more to this life? Am I not meant for something more exciting or purposeful? Doesn’t God have some kind of purpose for me? Where is HE?
As close to God as King David was there were still times when he felt alone.
“How long, O Eternal One? How long will you forget me? Forever? How long will you look the other way?” – King David (Psalm 13) VOICE
We are no different, are we? We have all been in a place in our lives when we’ve felt swallowed up by the world and suddenly start to scream at God, “HOW LONG MUST LIFE BE THIS WAY? HOW LONG?” Our chests ache with the desire to experience more…to live for more…to be purposed for something more!
We feel this way because that is how God created all of us…with a thirst for something more and to never be satisfied…He always wants us to want more of Him. The problem is we find it much too easy to lose our faith in God and His love for us. In the weariness of our ordinary lives we grow desperate and forget that God is always with us…always around…always purposeful…always watching…always in control.
Brothers and sisters we MUST trust.
And no, keeping our faith and trust is not simple or easy…not by a long shot and not in this world we live in…but it is vital.
I’m reminded of an old Jars of Clay song that says, “I don’t know where…I don’t know how…I don’t know why…but Your love can make these things better.”
We’re not going to get all the answers to our questions at one time. We’re not going to feel more fulfilled and purposeful in a day…it takes time and sometimes the process doesn’t make sense. But Gods love can make all things better, and that’s a guarantee. We just have to try and start trusting Him like we say we do. Then and there fullness will be found.
“But I trust in Your faithful love; my heart leaps at the thought of imminent deliverance by You.” – King David (Psalm 13) VOICE
“Take a good look at me, God, my God; I want to look life in the eye…I’m singing at the top of my lungs, I’m so full of answered prayers.” – King David (Psalm 13) MSG