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Jeremy Walker

Make the most of every living and breathing moment……” –Ephesians 5:16

Sometimes we just need to sit still and take it all in….for just a second…a minute…maybe even five minutes….we need to sit still and capture what’s around us.

By doing so we may encounter beauty and amazement we’ve never noticed before.

For some of you that take time to sit still and capture the moment…you’ll look out the window and see individuals in a hurting world walking concrete streets or grassy wooded paths. You’ll take in the weight of their walk and suddenly realize how blessed you are. You’ll understand that though God has saved you from that very weighty walk; you still walk it sometimes. The difference is you know the truth of God’s love now and how He makes our burdens light, and you can share that truth! Will you? Will you capture the moment?

For others that choose to sit still and capture the moment…you’ll find that you’re seeing and experiencing love for the first time in the eyes of the man or woman that has won your heart. Your chest will feel like it’s on fire while your heart seems to flutter and pound at the same time. The smile that spreads across your face is uncontrolled and you know with all your heart that God has brought you someone far beyond what you ever thought worthy of yourself. Your breath will catch and shudder as they smile back at you and you’ll thank God for revealing to you just how much He truly loves you. This moment cannot be taken for granted…will you capture it?

Somewhere….someone is hiking a steep hill towards an even higher mountain. As they walk they take in the full canvas of God’s creation. Tall trees lost in age surround them while wooded foragers race their limbs and grab ahold of their next tasty meal. Birds sing beautifully as the unseen wind presses lightly against the hikers face…it’s one of the few evidences that there even is such a thing as the wind. In that moment the hiker realizes the same is true of our creator. You can’t see Him with your eyes, but you feel the effect He has on your heart and you see His influence on the lives of the people around you. Yes, you don’t see Him, but you know He’s real. Standing in the midst of His wonder you know God’s real. Will the hiker let this moment leave them as soon as they leave the confines of the mountains? Or will they capture the moment and take it with them?

Do you see the importance of capturing these kinds of moments? Are you taking in their value and what they mean to our hearts? Not just for today…not just for tomorrow…but for eternity.

If we can take in these kinds of moments regularly…if we can capture them…then soon we won’t have to be standing in the mountains to realize God’s best in our lives; because we’ll see His love and splendor all around us, wherever we are. And in that moment we will feel blessed beyond measure.

These experiences will cause us to love more deeply, forgive more quickly, listen more carefully, and speak more hopefully.

Are you willing to capture the moment? It’s there…take it in…let it bless and change your life…capture it.

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I am a follower of Jesus. I am a husband who is deeply in love with his wife and a father who adores his children. I love writing and observing the world...this blog is a place where I'll share my perspective of what I see around me...and in my own life.




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