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Beyond the Struggle...

Jeremy Walker

All it takes is a look out the window to see that the world and the people in it, more than we even care to admit, are walking against the wind.

The struggle is real…the elements…the trials…the tribulations…they all can make our walk through this life feel like we’re weighed down or taking slow steps through deep mud that want to stick us in place.

We can grow weary and tired in the reality of it all. Sometimes we can even throw our hands up and call it quits. This is just too hard… Life shouldn’t be like this… When am I ever going to catch a break… This decision is huge…what should I do… I’m so lost…I’m so tired of the fight… I can’t beat this… It’s bigger than me…

We all have said at least one or some of these things in our life, haven’t we? We all have felt like we were walking against the wind.

But here’s the thing…

All these things we’re facing…did you know they’re making us stronger? Not just in and of ourselves, but stronger in our faith and purpose for God!

Just like steel is strengthened in the fire, so are we made stronger with every trial, hardship, and test of faith that we encounter.

“We also celebrate in seasons of suffering because we know that when we suffer we develop endurance…” –Romans 5:3 (Voice)

Never forget that though life can be hard and seemingly unfair…God won’t waste a drop of that struggle…He’ll use it to build you up and make you stronger and better able to stand up to the next challenge.

We shouldn’t be surprised by the struggles we face in life either.

Dear ones, don’t be surprised when you experience your trial by fire. It is not something strange and unusual…”—1 Peter 4:12 (Voice)

And maybe you’re at a point in life where you’re like, “No kidding, I’ve come to expect them now since they come up so often.” Ok, well if that’s true, then let’s stop making excuses whenever struggles crop up…let’s stop acting out the part of the victim in the wake of trials and tribulations…instead let’s prepare for them…lets show the world what God can do through a prepared heart…lets show the world what God can do in the life of a person willing to be put through the fire for His glory…because remember, it’s not about us…not ultimately…it’s about Jesus and this amazing life He has stretched out before us beyond the struggle. It’s there…so will you grab it? Or will you let the struggle keep you standing still?

Brothers and sisters, in the middle of your trial…always remember that hope is just around the corner. I’m not being cheesy or attempting to be trite…I’m just being real. There is always reason to hope and there is always reason to push through the hard times in life.

Do not forget to rejoice, for hope is always just around the corner. Hold up through the hard times that are coming, and devote yourselves to prayer.” –Romans 12:12 (Voice)

So why should we rejoice in times of struggle? Why should we strive to push through the hard times?

Well firstly, it will strengthen our faith in God….drawing us closer to Him and allowing us to realize that we can’t make it on our own…we need God.

And second, I believe Hebrews chapter 11 spells it out so beautifully why we should rejoice in times of struggle and push through the hard times with all we have.

Faith is the assurance of things you have hoped for, the absolute conviction that there are realities you’ve never seen.” –Hebrews 11:1 (Voice)

Did you catch that?

Because of the struggles we face in life…our faith is tested and strengthened…and in that process our eyes will be opened to a world of realities we never could have even imagined had we just given up.

“What realities? What possibilities are out there? “ You might be asking.

The truth is, I don’t know what realities and possibilities are out there for you…but isn’t that kind of awesome?

Isn’t it exciting to think that God has beautiful greatness designed specifically for you…your family…your life…beyond the struggle?

Isn’t it worth pushing through to find out what He has in store?

It’s there…so will you grab it? Or will you let the struggle keep you standing still?

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I am a follower of Jesus. I am a husband who is deeply in love with his wife and a father who adores his children. I love writing and observing the world...this blog is a place where I'll share my perspective of what I see around me...and in my own life.




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