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Finding Thankfulness...

Jeremy Walker

To some this may sound strange…but I struggle with expressing thankfulness.

It’s like this glitch in my brain that has been there for as long as I can remember. Now that’s not to say that I don’t feel thankful…because I most assuredly do…I simply struggle to show it…to express it. Even to this day when I’m in situations where I know I will have to express thankfulness to someone, my anxiety levels ramp up. I worry that my words will come out flat, or that I won’t look truly grateful. I watch as others hug and laugh with huge smiles, in situations where giving thanks is appropriate, and I curse myself internally wondering why it’s always been so hard for me.

Maybe some of you reading this can relate.

So what do I do? How do I push past this struggle? How do YOU and WE push past this struggle?

The simple truth is this; we have to keep PRACTICING this wonderful act that will absolutely bless God, others, and ourselves! I can remember a few years ago God really working on my heart to encourage people more…the gift of encouragement was definitely not a strong spiritual gift of mine. But once I started encouraging others and seeing the positive and blessed impact it had on their lives, I fell in love with encouraging; and as of today what was once my weakest spiritual gift, is now one of my strongest.

You see the act of expressing the thankfulness already in our hearts, is like a muscle that must be worked out and strengthened. Sure, there’s going to be resistance…we’re going to feel uncomfortable…but the more intentional we are about giving thanks for all God has blessed us with, the stronger and more comfortable we will be with the act. It will feel less forced and more genuine…eventually it will be something we love to do. And it will be something that fulfills us because honestly it’s what we’re made to do!

Like everything else, this is not a perfect process…it takes time and patience, but maybe it’s a challenge you’re up to taking. The thing we have to remember is that we’re not trying to create anything for anyone…we’re trying to express the thankfulness that is already in our hearts. Don’t let the anxiety or fear you may have continue to take control over your actions…brothers and sisters, there is so much in our lives to be thankful for.

You can do this…we can do this!

Do you struggle with expressing thankfulness?

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I am a follower of Jesus. I am a husband who is deeply in love with his wife and a father who adores his children. I love writing and observing the world...this blog is a place where I'll share my perspective of what I see around me...and in my own life.




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