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there has to be a better way...

Jeremy Walker

There has to be a better way Pastor Sean Harris…there has to be a better way to teach this world truth…to teach parents how to love and raise their children in Godly homes…there has to be a better way than how you approach it. To implore parents to, “Punch” their children if their acting effeminate is beyond ignorant…beyond insulting…and it paints a despicable portrait of Christianity.

There has to be a better way Pastor Charles Worley…I watched a short two minutes of your sermon about how you think we should lock up all the professing gays and lesbians in the world behind electrified fences. I listened to your words and did not find God in the midst of a single syllable. I nodded my head in disappointment as I heard your congregation support you with, “Amens” every time you said something hateful and disgusting. I struggle to understand how we as Christians could approve anything you said from the pulpit that day.

The thing is…like you men…I believe the Bible is pretty clear about the issue of relationships between men and women. I believe the Bible is clear about the definition of marriage. I believe God makes it clear of His disapproval of same-sex relationships. And like you men…I stand by God’s Word.

But I cannot and will not condone or support your ruthless attacks. Listen, we may not agree with a lifestyle…but we can show love and respect for every unique soul God has created.

Do you honestly think you have any credibility regarding this issue anymore? Do you honestly think that you are speaking for God? Do you honestly think anyone professing to be a homosexual will even listen to you?

You traded your chance to allow God to do something awesome through you for a mere 30 minutes of selfish, hateful, dialogue that only accomplished getting your tirades published in national newspapers. In your passion to try and prove someone wrong about an individual’s sexuality, you let your emotions betray you, men. You forgot the simple truth that it is not the believer’s calling to “convert” anyone. We are called to share God’s truth in love and nothing more. We are called to love people like, Jesus does……like Jesus.

Can you honestly say that you’ve done this? I don’t think you can.

There has to be a better way…..

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I am a follower of Jesus. I am a husband who is deeply in love with his wife and a father who adores his children. I love writing and observing the world...this blog is a place where I'll share my perspective of what I see around me...and in my own life.




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