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...learning to breathe

Jeremy Walker

I love the expression, “learning to breathe” when in relation to living life.

We live….we work…we build relationships…we raise our kids…we go to church…we worship…we help each other…we counsel…we get counseled…we learn…we build…we stand.

All of these and so many other things are what help make living life feel substantial…they help us to live and feel purpose…without purpose we would wither away…we would offer nothing and feel useless. So we work and push at life in an effort to have a life worth living…it’s a process…like breathing. But it’s not a perfect process…there are ebbs and flows to life…there are turns we won’t expect…we have to learn from our mistakes…we have to make our “next” moves more purposeful…and at the end we’re working towards God…and we’re learning to breath.

It’s a beautiful concept…and it helps me to appreciate more the fight two people will exhibit in order to save their failing marriage or strained relationships. It helps me to appreciate more the man working three jobs to keep food on the table for his family or the single mom staying up late with her kids after a long days work to help them with homework or offer them peace and security from the “monsters” they fear under the bed. It helps me to appreciate the child who’s been abused but still fights to feel “normal”. It helps me to appreciate more the ones who have had their hearts broken but refuse to let the past define them.

All around me I see people that try…in a world that does its best to beat us down, we fight because we know the fights worth fighting…and we know that God is the incredible prize at the end of the race. There is beauty in the broken…there is substance to be found in what seems to be a complete void…where there is nothing, God makes something…these realities and truths can be found by the continued purposeful actions of God’s people. I implore you brothers and sisters to keep pushing forward and to never fear asking for God’s help in the journey…it’s worth it all. You are beautiful.

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I am a follower of Jesus. I am a husband who is deeply in love with his wife and a father who adores his children. I love writing and observing the world...this blog is a place where I'll share my perspective of what I see around me...and in my own life.




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