Faith is powerful…true and simple…
Faith is so powerful in fact that Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” –Matthew 17
Isn’t that just crazy amazing? I mean, faith would HAVE to be beyond the power of a nuclear bomb (or anything man could make for that matter) in its impact on our lives and in the lives of others, if only a pinch of it can cause mountains to move. It would be silly of us to ever NOT express our faith in God.
So why do we struggle with it so often? Why do we allow such a powerful act to be wasted on doubt, fear, and sometimes even plain refusal to trust in God?
Is it my sinful nature that breeds skepticism? Do I not take God seriously enough? Am I getting too comfortable within the blessings He’s given me?
I can’t tell you the number of times in the midst of my doubts I have asked these questions over and over and over again. Sometimes I feel like if my FAITH was as constant and persistent as my DOUBT…then I could be walking on top of the water of this life instead of treading out in the middle of it kicking and paddling my tired feet and hands….this mindset frustrates me to no end sometimes.
So what do we do? What do I do?
Well I don’t know about you…but I’m gonna keep fighting. Because I can honestly say that in my experience the joy I’ve found living out my faith in Christ is worth the struggle…it’s worth the pain…it’s just worth it brothers and sisters. Yes, there are days I do just want to quit…but any acts of faith I can live out for God far outweigh any doubt that enters my mind.
I’m not walking on water…but I’m not afraid to try anymore…
How about you?
One of the awesome things about our journey with God is this…we don’t have to do it alone. Let’s light up the darkness together…let’s show the world what FAITH can do….
If you have time check out Hebrews 11…it’s an amazing chapter in the Bible all about the power of FAITH. And don’t forget to check out the video below, it’s awesome!